

Although little information could be found on interactions directly between Carychium exile and other organisms found in its habitat, land snails in general share some unique characteristics with their neighbors. Land snails are an important source of food for animals larger than itself, such as small mammals and birds. The empty snail shell is a great source of calcium for some animals, which is discussed in further detail on the nutrition page.

Taking into account that the Ice Thorn snail prefers habitats containing leaf litter, such as ravines and entrances to caves, potential threats may arise threatening the existence of these organisms. One such threat is the presence of humans in areas like the entrance of caves. Vandalism and littering as well as disruption of the habitat can result in trampling of the species itself or of its fauna directly affecting its reproduction cycle (Lewis, 2002.)

As mentioned in the habitat section of this website, the Ice Thorn snail shares its home with an array of different organisms from mammals to reptiles to birds to amphibians and even some invertebrates. Some of the mammals that can be found here include mice, muskrats, squirrels, beaver, deer, and weasels. Other organisms, such as a variety of different kinds of birds, include owls, eagles, waterfowl, woodpeckers, and robins.

This picture represents the deciduous forest habitat in which these organisms can be found.

Image of the shell of the Ice Thorn snail.