The Armed Snaggletooth (Gastrocopta armifera)


G. armifera can be found in numerous locations across America, and therefore the number of organisms that share a habitat with G. armifera is enormous. Typically, the presence of G. armifera is an indicator of other more inconspicuous species in the Class Gastrocopta being present. Because the range of G. armifera inhabitance is so widespread, there are countless interactions both positive and negative to the species.

A commensalstic relationship between G. armifera and smaller species of snails occurs often in nature. Because the shell of the Armed Snaggletooth is so large, it provides a rich source of Calcium for smaller species looking to glean off of it(Discover, 2011). This can explain why smaller species of Gastrocopta can be found in close proximity to G. armifera populations. Although this may seem like a predatory relationship, it is not because the smaller snails are only able to glean the shells after the Armed Snaggletooth has already died.


Again, because the ecological niche that G. armifera is so large, it is exposed to countless species. However, the Armed Snaggletooth regularly falls prey to salamanders and small mammals such as shrews and mice (Discover, 2011).salamander


The Class Trematoda, or the endoparasitic flukes almost exclusively parasitize mollusks as a means of sexual reproduction. The flukes use the snail body as an intermediate host with the final or definitive host being a vertebrate. The flukes specialize on one species of snails to parasitize, with virtually all species of Gastropods being infected by at least one type of fluke(Hickman et al, 2007). G. armifera is no exception to this.
