Gastrocopta procera "Wing Snaggletooth"
The name Gastrocopta procera means "chief noble gastropod" in Latin. Its common name, "wing snaggletooth" originates from the snail having many "teeth" or folds within tiny slits on the radula.
Domain- Eukarya
Members of the domain Eukarya are eukaryotes, possessing a
Kingdom- Animalia
Organisms in the animal kingdom are eukaryotic, heterotrophic,
multi-cellular, and do not posses a cell wall
Phylum- Mollusca
Organisms in the class mollusca are said to have a coelom, be
highly cephalized, and have open circulatory systems.
Molluscs also have a head, foot, radula, and developed eyes.
Class- Gastropoda
Gastropods are classified by often times having torsion, coiled
shells (which is common among arthropods), and have a further
concentrated visceral mass. Land snails have torsion while
other Gastropods such as slugs and nudibranchs, do not.
Order- Stylommatophora
Gastropods in the class Stylommatophora are terrestrial
pulmonates, meaning they breathe air, and have eyes on top of
their tentacles.
Family- Pupilidae
Land snails in the in the family Pupilidae are pulmonate snails.
Chicago Field Museum Specimen. Marks are mm.
Photo by Terrell Hyde and W.A. Smith, WDNR.
Genus- Gastrocopta
Gastrocopta means "alpha" in Latin which makes sense with
this snail because of its dominant pupa shaped shell
(Catalogue of Life- 3rd January 2011).
Species- Gastrocopta procera
This snail is considered to be Gastrocopta
procera because the edge of the rounded slit on their mouth
is heavily callused and has two prolonged folds that are
prominent but do not fully fill the slit on its mouth.
This snail is also distinguished by its glossy, cinnamon-brown
colored shell as opposed to other snails in the class that
posses a white or transparent shell (Burch, John B).