Gastrocopta procera
interacts with many other species in their habitat.
Gastrocopta procera
are threatened most by humans.
Prairie burns cause the most damage and can wipe out the
Gastrocopta procera
from their area of inhabitance (Laws).
These snails, in particular, are endangered because of
prairie burns, brush cutting, added herbicides, and invasions of
thick woody plants that destroy their habitats (Snodgrass,
Kathleen p. 154-160).
Gastrocopta procera are herbivores feeding on different
fungi and leaf litter in the prairie leaving them fairly low on
the food chain.
Small mammals such as badgers, cyotes, and foxes prey on
G. procera.
The snails live mutualistic relationships with
grasshoppers, earthworms, dragonflys, mice, rabbits, and other
organisms (Nekola, J. C. (2010)).