Although I could not find specific information on the reproduction of the Nesovitrea binneyana, I will give an general overview on how reproduction works in the Gastropod class. Throughout the life of some snails, the sex can change from female to male or vice versa. Therefore, in the early stages of some snails, they may be a female as they reproduce, but could become a male later in life. This can make it tricky for snail reproduction. Reproduction can be asexual or sexual and on land or in water. Asexual reproduction takes place when a snail contains a gonad to produce both the egg and the sperm, allowing for self-fertilization (Hickman, 2009). Sexual reproduction can take place on land or water. While in the water, sperm is released by the male and travels through the water until it reaches the female genital. On land, snails use a spermatophore, a specially built sperm packet, to transfer sperm from the male into the female (Hickman, 2009).
After the egg is fertilized, it begins to transform through a few larval steps or directly into a complete juvenile snail as it occurs in various land snails (Hickman, 2009. The first larval stage of a snail is called the trochophora. Here the snail produces eyes, tentacle stumps, and a shell lid. The next stage is the veliger larva stage followed by a change into the juvenile snail where it will create a soft shell and undeveloped genital organs (Hickman, 2009). Over time, the snail will continue to harden its’ own shell and fully develop their organs. They will finally become a full grown adult ready to reproduce a new generation of snails.