Snail Facts
Shell features
- The shell is very small and ranges from 2-3 mm in diameter
- The shell has raised oblique ribs on the upper surface
- Normally a chestnut brown coloration, but has been found with a white shell
- Shell is dome shaped with 4-6 enlarging whorls as you move towards the aperture
- The aperture is very small and has 2-3 parietal lamellae and a few basal folds
- Peristome is expanded and thickened
Body features
- Has eyes on the end of posterior tentacles
- These posterior tentacles are also retractable
- Has sensory receptors including chemoreceptors on its anterior tentacles
- Tentacles and back are dark brown to black in color
- Sides of its foot is gray
- Venter is white
- Has developed air breathing lungs
- Has a muscular foot for mobility
- Body has undergone torsion
- No operculum
Information from (Archerd, 2008), (Branson, 1972), (Dall, 1905), and (Orstan, 1999).