Fun Facts
Now for some specific and interesting facts on the Vertigo pygmaea!
What distinguishes the Crested vertigo from other species?
The shell is relatively small compared to other species in the genus. The shell is yellowish to dark brown and very weakly striated with a cervical crest present. The shell generally has four to five whorls present. (Machin, et al 1959)
This organism is very small compared to most land snails with a length ranging from 1.40-2.10 mm and a width of around 0.95-1.20 mm. To visualize the size of this snail you can think of a MP3 player and the port that you plug it into is 3.5 mm in diameter. This is about double the size of the crested vertigo!
In the country of Poland, the Vertigo pygmaea is the most abundant species in the genus Vertigo and in Michigan this organism is on the List of Threatened Fauna as a species with special concern.
Facts are from (Francisco, et al 2011)
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