Bithynia tentaculata

Habitat and Location


The United States

Bithynia tentaculata was first documented in the United States in 1871 in Lake Michigan. They originated from Europe and came to the US sometime in the 1800's. Today, the faucet snail can be found in freshwater environments ranging from Quebec and Wisconsin to Pennsylvania and New York (EOL). This species of snail is very common and can be found somewhat easily.


Indigenous Distribution

Faucent snails can also be found in freshwater areas of Croata, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Poland, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Great Britain, and Ireland (EOL).

World distribution of faucet snails



Bithynia tentaculata can be found in freshwater environments. They prefer unpolluted, shallow areas near the shores of slow running or standing areas of water (EOL). Examples of places to find them include ponds, lakes, marshes, canals, and rivers. They tend to thrive in areas that contain substances such as sand, clay, rocks, and mud. Faucet snails can be seen in both mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes, with a pH ranging from 6.6 to 8.4. (Dillon et al. 2006). They also prefer water sources with an efficient supply of calcium (Piggott and Dussant 1995).

For information about the impact of faucet snails on other
wildlife, please visit Impacts on Wildlife

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