Color: Tannish-olive to cinnamon-bluff, shell somewhat glossy (Brown and Bruder 1968)
Shape: Heliciform shell also known as spiraled or of helix form (Dourson 2011)
Size: Diameter of 6.1 - 9.4 mm (Dourson 2011)
Whorls: 5.5 - 6.5 coiled whorls (Dourson 2011)
Coiled in clockwise manner, dextral (Martin 2000)
Whorls increasing regularly in size (Brown and Bruder 1968)
1st 1.5 whorls are smooth, with the remainder having irregular striae (Brown and Bruder 1968)
Last whorl possesses small hairs but often lost on older
shells (Dourson 2011) -
Transverse striae present are poorly developed
(Dourson 2011)
Shell Anatomy: Umbilicate having a central mark or depression (Dourson 2011)
Large, blade-like parietal tooth (Dourson 2011)
Parietal tooth low, situated on low callus (Brown and Bruder 1968)
Concave or dished inner part of the outer peristome surrounding the mouth (Brown and Bruder 1968)
Inner peristome is reflected, somewhat covering the narrow, deep umbilicus ( Brown and Bruder 1968)
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