Domain Eukaryota- The Domain Eukaryota consists of any celled organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). Britannica also lists these characteristics as being unique to this domain: a nuclear membrane that surrounds the nucleus, chromosomes in the nucleus, mitochondria, golgi apparatus and an endoplasmic reticulum.

Kingdom Animalia- Kingdom Animalia is shortly defined as multicellular Eukaryotic heterotrophs (schoolworkhelper, 2012). Heterotrophic means they do not produce their own food and therefore must consume it.

Phylum Mollusca- Mollusca literally means soft bodied (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). The Phylum Mollusca consists of any soft bodied invertebrate, usually with a calcium bicarbonate shell (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

Class Gastropoda-Let’s break-down the word Gastropoda into its Greek roots; first we have “gaster” which means stomach, next is “pous, or podos” which translates to foot (Hickman et al., 2012). If we were to call this class of organisms by its translated name, we would say Class Stomach-foot. Hickman and his associates also tell us that this class is the largest, encompassing 70,000 living species. These species include; snails, limpets, slugs, whelks, conchs, periwinkles, sea slugs and more. The key difference separating Gastropods from other classes in Mollusca, is the act of torsion (Hickman et al., 2012). Torsion is a 180 degree twisting of the visceral mass, which essentially brings the anus right next to the head (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

Subclass Pulmonata- This subclass includes any freshwater, marine and terrestrial snail that has lost their morphological trait of gills, which allowed them to breath in water (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). These snails breathe by use of a lung instead of the aforementioned gill (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

Order Stylommatophora- This is a group of Pulmonata which has eyes situated at the tips of the tentacles (Dictionary, 2012). This includes land snails and slugs.

Family Polygyridae-(Encyclopedia of Life, 2012) explains this family is distinguished by lack of “love darts.” Love darts are little “missiles” used in reproduction. The lacking of love darts allows the eyes and pharynx to be retracted. Also the jaws are ribbed.

Genus (Triodopsis) Neohelix- The old genus name Triodopsis means three resemblances (thefreedictionary, 2012). The Neohelix genus translates to new interwoven spirals (AudioEnglish, 2012)

Species dentifera - This species is unique by a large solitary tooth. The word broken down is “dent” which means tooth and “fera” which is wild, therefore dentifera means wild tooth (thefreediction, 2012).

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