Millerelix jacksoni - Ozark Liptooth (T. Bland, 1866)


Most land snails are herbivores or omnivores and eat mostly plant material like fungi and leaf litter but have been known to taste whatever is in their path (Hotopp, 2006). The snails use their radula to scrap fungi or other plant like material as they crawl along (Hickman et al, 2012). The radula is made of a sandpaper like material used for rasping and scraping (Hickman et al, 2012). The picture below shows a trail of the marks that a radula would make as the snail eats while crawling. It moves its head back and forth and scrapes to make that kind of pattern (Hotopp, 2006).  

Feeding Trail taken by Dana                    radula

                                                                                                                                    (Picture of a snail's radula) 

After the snail has broken off food matter with its radula, the food travels to its esophagus and down to its gastric pouch where the food it broken down (Hotopp, 2006). The snail's digestive system is a lot like our own, food goes through the esophagus to the stomach/gastric pouch where it is broken down to be used by our bodies for energy.

