
     Terrestrial snails such as Inflectarius kalmianus species are usually nocturnal, unless a rainstorm providing high moisture levels lead them otherwise (Burch, 1962). Their nocturnal habits are due to the presence of their preferred temperature and moisture levels (Burch, 1962). During the day they're usually found in areas that provide the most moisture such as under rock piles and logs (Burch, 1962).

     Snails are more adaptive to unfavorable environmental conditions such as droughts because they have adapted the ability to fill the aperture (the opening) of their shell with a mucous sheet that soon hardens and protects them from drying out (Burch, 1962).

This image was taken by myself, Sarah BensonThis image of a terrestrial snail species was taken in Hawaii to show the mucous layer in the aperture of the snail that’s used to keep the moisture in to prevent from drying out (Burch, 1962). You can also see the hard shell that these gastropods have to protect themselves from predators and harsh conditions in their environment. Their ability to go days without food or water make it easy to live in open areas because if necessary, they can hide out in their shell until it rains or some form of moisture emerges (Burch, 1962). Snails usually go into hiding during the winter, usually under logs or buried underground (Burch, 1962). But since they can adapt to these changes, they can also stick it out through the unfavorable temperatures and stay in open areas such as on trees (Burch, 1962).

     Inflectarius kalmianus has a diameter of 9.2 mm, height of 6.2 mm, and an aperture width of 4.4 mm (Hubricht, 1965). They have a hard, tawny olive colored shell with 4.5-5 whorls that are somewhat smooth (Hubricht, 1965). Their shell is darker when fresh which gives them their common name of the brown globelet (Burch, 1962). It has no teeth present, but it has incised spiral striae that are engraved streaks encircling the shell (Dourson, 2010). Some parts of their structure were developed to help them survive, for example, the description given above about the aperture. Also, while adapting to a terrestrial environment, gastropods have replaced the gill with a lung so they can breathe air (Hickman et al. 2009). But some of their characteristics and adaptations could have occurred due to chance or other influences.

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This page was created by Sarah Benson.