
     The majority of land snails, like Inflectarius kalmianus,  are herbivores, which means that the dominant food source is plants (Dourson et al. 2006). Some food sources can include algae, tree sap, most species of fungi, lichens, and a variety of vegetation (Dourson et al. 2006). Most snails are generalists, this means that snail diets within a species can even differ; snails tend to eat food that is suitable and easily found in their environment (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 2011).
    This is an image of a stained microscope slide of a snail’s radula. Credit and permission given by Rick Gillis. Snails possess a special rasping organ called the radula that is used for scraping, tearing, or drilling into the prey (Hickman et al. 2009). This chitinous organ can also be used as a conveyor belt to carry food into the mouth in a backwards motion (Hickman et al. 2009). The food is then transported to the mouth, then to the esophagus which its function is to carry food to the crop by saliva and muscular contractions (Carnegie Museum of Natural History, 2011).  After the food reaches the crop, which is an organ used to store food before it is digested, it is transported to the stomach and then to the intestine. The intestine absorbs certain nutrients and produces waste that is excreted through the anus (Hickman et al. 2009).
    The land snail has an open circulatory system, which means the blood, hemolymph, passes through channels and sinuses surrounding the organs (Hickman et al, 2009). An open circulatory system possesses a heart, blood vessels, and sinuses, which is suitable for smaller animals such as terrestrial snails (Hickman et al. 2009).

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This page was created by Alex Clussman.