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Xestobium rufovillosum are found in North America and were introduced from Europe (Swan and Papp, 1972).  In Europe the death watch beetle is commonly found in southern England (Arkive images of life on earth, 2003).  They bore in dead trees or old wood work (Marshall, 2006). They also live in dried animal or vegetable matter (Evans and Garrison, 2004). This beetle can also be found in infesting wood in damp basements or attics.  This  damp and condensation environment allows the beetle to survive under these conditions. In order to complete its life cycle Xestobium rufovillosum must be in a wood environment.  Xestobium rufovillosum can survive in twenty degrees Celsius or above.  The moisture can be as little as fourteen percent in order for the death watch beetle to flourish.  Under these permission to use photo from wikimedia commonsconditions the death watch beetle is able to reproduce.  When it reproduces the larvae bury in the timber and start to eat the wood.  This is the ecological niche of the insect and why they must live in a wooden environment (Leary, 2002).
