
Beetles have significant interactions with a variety of other organisms.  Although they mostly serve as prey to larger insects and even other species of beetles, there most noted interactions occur with humans.  Both beetles and humans cause negative interactions between one another.  Although they are npermission from Josef Dvorak ot endangered, humans destruction of important natural resources such as rotted and old trees for construction takes away much of the Xestobium rufovillosum's natural habitat.  On the other hand, in Western Europe many homes and buildings that use old wood, specifically oak, have been greatly damaged by the feeding of the beetle larvae and the exit holes of adults (Akbulut et. al., 2008).  Insecticides have proven not to be effective, yet researchers agree natural predators such as the steely blue beetle (Korynetes caeruleus) and a variety of predatory spiders are able to consume large numbers of beetle larvae and eggs (Akbulut et. al., 2008).  The presence of the steely blue beetle usually indicates the infestation of the death watch beetle.  The microorganisms that allow the beetles to digest the cellulose in wood also allows them to stay close to their food source and avoid predators (Akbulut et. al., 2008).
