Interactions and Adaptations

Although not much is known about the specific interaction of Fumonelix jonesiana, much can be said about the interactions between land snails and their prey.  Land snails have been found to be eaten by a variety of salamanders (Dourson, 2006).  Also, beetles, mice, and shrews find land snails to be a tasty treat (Dourson, 2006).  Land snails have many interactions with other species, but aquatic sails are an intermediate host of several trematode species of digenetic flukes, including Clonorchis sinensis (Hickman, et. al 2009).  The miracidium larvae of the fluke in ingested by a snail, which then develops into the sporocyst and redia stages of the trematode life cycle (Hickman, et. al 2009).  Cercaria larvae then emerge from the snail (Hickman, et. al 2009).

Terrestrial gastropods have evolved numerous adaptations to allow them to live in a more harsh environment. Many land snails have an operculum, a fleshy plate made of proteins, that covers the opening of the shell when the snail withdraws itself inside (Hickman, et. al 2009).  This prevents water loss and protects the animal from predation (Hickman, et. al 2009).  A process known as torsion is also an adaptation of Fumonelix jonesiana, as well as most other Gastropods.  This occurs when the mantle cavity and the anus rotate to a position near the head and gills, creating an issue for aquatic snails (Hickman, et. al 2009).  The snail's waste is excreted over the gills, creating a fouling problem (Hickman, et. al 2009).  Aquatic snails have further adapted to deal with this fouling problem by altering their behavioral patterns, such as when they eat and when they excrete wastes (Hickman, et. al 2009).  Land snails, because they have adapted to breathing air, instead of gaining oxygen from the water, do not have to cope with this problem. 

Fumonelix jonesiana is also a part of the subclass Pulmonata.  It is classified in this group because, like other terrestrial snails, its mantle is adapted to be an air-breathing lung (Hickman, et. al 2009).  Snails also have a coiled shell, which makes this portable protection more compact, and making locomotion much easier (Hickman, et. al 2009).

There are extensive interactions between snails and other species and they have developed many adaptations to deal with their surroundings.  To learn some more interesting facts about this species, go to the next page.