Adaptation & Nutrition

Discussed below are key features that can help identify the cat flea.

     All of these adaptations are used mainly to feed.  Adult cat fleas feed predominantly on their hosts blood which, for adult females, can average 13μl/day which equates to about 15 times its bodyweight. The larval stage eats primarily organic matter, in particular adult feces that fall to the ground or through cannibalism of non-fertile eggs. (Rust and Dryden 1997) Through their adaptations they are able to thrive and unfortunately it is often on your pet or in your home.  Precautionary measure should be taken to prevent your pet from becoming infested with cat fleas with the easiest being through just monitoring your pet and at the first sign of infestation using specialized insecticides to rid them from your pet.  To learn more see Flea Management.