
The highlighted red area in this is image shows Brewster County, Texas. Brewster County is then enlarged. This is the home of the Chisos liptooth. From:http://www.google.com/imgres?start=230&um=1&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=695&tbm=isch&tbnid=m1yxLg2xWhR81M:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Brewster_County_Alpine.svg&docid=AHDVffrMreyDLM&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Brewster_County_Alpine.svg&w=1056&h=816&ei=lSZ-T_bkCKyP0QHC-sjKDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=392&vpy=140&dur=1055&hovh=197&hovw=255&tx=124&ty=121&sig=100095669046061717387&page=10&tbnh=146&tbnw=189&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:230,i:149

The Polygyra chisosensis can be found in Texas, primarily in the Chisos Mountains in Brewster County (Pilsbry, 1940). Brewster County is located in the western tip of Texas (Pilsbry, 1940). Brewster County can be found in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas and is home to Big Bend National Park (Martin, 2012). 

The Chisos liptooth, as it's commonly called, can be found in places with humidity (Pilsbry, 1940). Along with humidity, the Chisos liptooth prefer places with rocky talus slopes (Pilsbry, 1940).  Researchers found that in November the Chisos liptooth likes to hibernate under the upper layer of rocks (Pilsbry, 1940).

Many organisms can be found in Big Bend National Park. The following animals have made this National Park their home: the pronghorn antelope, mule deer, white tail deer, bobcat, mountain lion, desert bighorn sheep, coyote, black bear, raccoon, badger, prairie dog, kangaroo rat, skunk, jackrabbit, porcupine, golden eagle, roadrunner, black hawk, and many other animals (Martin, 2012).


The Daedalochila chisosensis is closely related to the Polygyra texasiana (Burch, 1962). The P. texasiana can be found in woody or grassy areas, as well as under rocks, fallen trees, or any other material lying on the ground (Branson, 2012).  The P. texasiana can be found in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas (Branson, 2012).

This is a picture of what the land in Brewster County, Texas looks like. From:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Big_Bend_Ocotillo_2006.jpg

The Daedalochila chisosensis find a variety of nutritional food in this habitat, but to get a better understanding of what they prey on see the Nutrition tab found in the green box.


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