
In general, land snails such are monoecious organisms (Hickman et al., 2009). Chisos liptooth snails are classified as land snails.  Even though none of the land snail general information has been proven for the Chisos liptooth, it could be assumed that they too are monoecious and reproduce much like common land snails. This means that one snail produces both male and female reproductive organs (Welcome, 2012). Before the mating process occurs, most snails go through a phase to sweeten up the other mate. These actions may include nibbling of the lips, gently loving the other with their tentacles, and rocking their bodies back and forth (Welcome, 2012). After this phase, the mating process may occur which could take several hours to complete (Welcome, 2012). Each snail inserts its penis into the other snail's vagina releasing the sperm (Welcome, 2012).  The sperm is stored into a special storage department, where it stays until it is time for the egg or eggs to be fertilized on their own (Welcome, 2012).  The fertilization period may take months to finish (Welcome, 2012). 

The adult snails later dig their foot into damp soil or leafy areas as well as under logs to lay and bury their eggs (Welcome, 2012).  The adult snail may lay one egg or dozens at a time (Welcome, 2012). After the eggs are laid, they need two to four weeks to develop before they  can hatch (Welcome, 2012).  The eggs will also wait for the right conditions before they hatch (Welcome, 2012). When the time comes for the eggs to hatch, they feed on their hatched shell as well as the shells of other unhatched eggs for sources of calcium and other nutrients (Welcome, 2012).  The immature snails are of a clear, transparent color and eventually they mature and turn colors (Welcome, 2012).  It takes about three months for a snail to change into its adult color (Welcome, 2012).  After two to three years, the snail is considered to be at its mature size and ready to reproduce (Welcome, 2012).

To obtain survival, the Chisos liptooth have certain adaptations that they have to evolve to. See the Adaptation tab in the green box to the left for more information.

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