Contact Us

Feel free to contact us about anything on our site. We are currently freshmen at University of Wisconsin Lacrosse and made this site for our Animal Biology class. Our professor is Dr. Haro of the University of Wisconsin Lacrosse

Web Designer: Robert Hayes- Hi, I am from the Madison Wisconsin area and graduated from Madison LaFollette High School. I am currently undecided in what I want to major in but have always loved animals. Like many boys collected bugs as a kid. I have really enjoyed creating this website about a bug that I did not knew existed. I sincerely wish that all of you enjoy the site.

Contact me at:

Researcher: Lucas Schmidt- Hey everybody, I'm Luke.  I am a freshman at UW-La Crosse. I am currently undecided with a major, but hope to pursue something in the field of science.  I have enjoyed collecting and observing bugs ever since I was a kid, and this website was a great way to share the research other scientists have collected over the years.

Contact me at: