

Danger of typhus carried by lice http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/ResourceMetadata/VVBBLL


***Lice have had huge impacts throughout history, especially during major wars before World War II. It was not bullets or swords that were the big killers during war, but louse-born epidemic typhus that controlled the course of these major wars (Marshall 2006).

***Typhus was not the only disease that was a concern during time of war. Trench fever was another disease, and soldiers would contract this disease by scratching the feces of louse into their skin. Trench fever was a great epidemic to soldiers because they were placed in dirty and crowded conditions of trench warfare (Marshall 2006).


***Pediculus humanus is not a recent infestation, but has been dated back to prehistory. Fossils of louse eggs or nits approximately 10,000 years old have been discovered.

***Louse infestations are a major worldwide problem. In the United States, the rate prevalence has been increasing over the past 30 years (Medscape Reference 2012).

Lice compared to a penny http://www.liceforce.com/faq.html


***Female lice lay three to six eggs or nits per day (Medscape Reference 2012). These nits are less than 1mm long! By comparing the different phases of lice to a penny illustrates how small these insects really are.





