
 Picture of headlice on scalp used with permission from http://www.pestid.msu.edu/InsectsArthropods/HeadLicePediculushumanuscapitis/tabid/262/Default.aspx

Pediculus humanus humanus and Pediculus humanus capitis are strict human ectoparasites whose habitats only differ by the location on the body that they inhabit (Kittler 2004). Pediculus humanus capitis is more commonly known as the head louse and they get that name because they inhabit the human scalp and lay their eggs on the hair shafts (Kittler 2004). Pediculus humanus humanus feeds off the body but the inhabit clothing rather the human host. It is likely that the ecological differences between Pediculus humanus humanus and Pediculus humanus capitis arose when humans adopted the usage of clothing (Kittler 2004).


