
       The Snowy Tree Cricket due to its weak mandibles (Fulton 1915), they main feed on both plant and animal materials which are soft enough for them to ingest. In the tree cricket's natural setting, they often feed on chlorophyll-bearing cells and vascular tissues from plant tissue as well as spores of fungi (Fulton 1915). For some, depending on what is available to eat in the particular setting they are in, some tree crickets have been found with mainly insect materials in their stomachs (Fulton 1915). Tree crickets that have been injured and can no longer defend themselves often get eaten by by fellow tree crickets (Fulton 1915).

       In a captive setting, many different types of plant and animal material have been given to tree crickets to see what they survive the best on. They seem to do well eating plant lice (Aphids), raspberry leaves, cambium layer (second layer) of apple branches and floral parts of carrots (Fulton 1915). Those of who were confined to branches, ate the outer layer of the fruit (peaches and plums) and sucked out the inner pulp. With the fruits such as apples, with an hard exterior, the tree crickets were not able to penetrate the hard skin making the fruit inedible (Fulton 1915). In all, Snowy Tree Crickets' diets are limited to soft animal and plant materials such as leaves and soft, ripe fruits.

Oecanthus fultoni

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