Adaptation & Modification

    Adult C. brunnea can be “highly polymorphic,” with several morphs mimicking a different type of wasp. Depending on where a certain C. brunnea is located, their actions or attitudes of mimicking wasps will differ in relation to the species of wasps they are surrounded by. (Tauber 2009)
    Adult C. brunnea have established two ways (that have been observed) to mimic wasps to disguise themselves against threats. When a disturbance is encountered, the C. brunnea will curl its abdomen under itself, doing this and along with their coloring, the mantisfly will resemble a wasp in its stinging position. When a disturbance or threat moves closer to the individual, it will spread its wings to their fullest and allow a more vibrant display of their wasp-like coloring. While doing this, the C. brunnea continued to mock a stinging wasp by simulating the motions. This evidence suggests that C. brunnea have adapted to protect themselves from danger by maintaining wasp-like coloring and copying the actions of a wasp. (Boyden 1983)
    Along with their resemblance to wasps, all members of the Mantispidae family possess characteristics similar to Praying Mantises. Their ability to resemble both of these more intimidating bugs help to keep the C. brunnea adults safe from predators. (Encyclopedia of Life)

The following photo does a good job of portraying an adult C. brunnea mimicking a stinking wasp.

Photo Courtesy of Tom Murray

If you would like to see more pictures or learn some more facts about this interesting species, check out this website!

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