Header image courtsey of Wisconsin DNR


Common Name: Orangethroat Darter

Domain            Eukaryota
Kingdom          Animalia
Phylum            Chordata
Class                 Actinopterygii
Order               Perciformes
Family              Percidae
Genus               Etheostoma
Species             Etheostoma spectabile

    The origin of the orangethroat darters scientific name appears to come from the Greek language. The word "etheo" in Greek means to strain and the Greek word "stoma" means mouth (Fish Base). And the word "spectabile" is commonly considered to be of Latin origin meaning outstanding (Latdict).

     The domain of the fish species E. spectabile is Eukaryota which includes organism phyla with membrane bound organelles. This classification separates this domain of phyla from the other domains Archaea and Bacteria which lack membrane bound organelles. The orangethroat darter is classified further into the kingdom Animalia. This specification is for organisms that are multicellular and don't make their own food (they are heterotrophic). This separates species that are multicellular but are autotrophic (plants and fungi, for example). The orangethroat darter is considered further to be a member of the phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord, commonly associated with the vertebrates that are a part of this phylum as well (Encyclopedia of Life).  
   The next step in this species taxonomical classification is the class Actinopterygii. This class of organisms is defined by the presence of ray-fins. The orangethroat darter is morphologically similar to the species of perch so this places the Darter into the order Perciformes (meaning perch-like) and the family Percidea (perches). The Darter is lastly defined into the Genus Etheostoma and the species spectabile (Encyclopedia of Life).  

Additional orangethroat darter taxonomy information can be accessed from Animal Diversity Web and the Encyclopedia of Life.


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