
Latin Name: Solenopsis molesta 
Common name: Thief Ant
Solenopsis molesta ants are known as thief ants because of their unique behavior of stealing food from other ants.
The actual name is derived from Greek roots. Solen means channel or tube and opsis means of the face. That is referring to the channel that is running down the Thief ants face.  The molesta aspect of the name refers to the interaction this ant has with others, it means troublesome or annoying (Ellison, et al, 2012).
The following taxonomic information was obtained through the Encyclopedia of Life website (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).
Domain Eukarya
    Kingdom Animalia
        Phylum Arthropoda
            Class Insecta
                Order Hymenoptera
                      Family Formicidae
                           Genus Solenopsis
Species Solenopsis molesta

Domain Eukarya: In the domain eukarya, eukaryotic organisms contain cells with a nucleus in a membrane (Hickman et. al., 2012). The domain eukarya includes organisms like plants, animals, fungi, diplomonads, slime molds (Hickman et. al., 2012).
Kingdom Animalia: Organisms in the kingdom animalia are multicellular and unlike plants, they are heterotrophic and rely on others for their sources of food (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).  The cells or organisms in this kingdom do not contain a cell wall (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).
Phylum Arthropoda: Phylum arthropoda contain a very diverse number of species that have bilateral symmetry(Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Arthropods are characterized by their tagmata, which are body segments (Hickman et. al., 2012). Another defining characteristic of arthropods is that they possess a exoskeleton which is made out of chitin, which they later shed by the process of exdysis (Hickman et. al., 2012).
Class Insecta: Organisms in the class insecta have very distinctive features. Insects have bodies that include a head, an abdomen, and a thorax (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). All insects have 6 legs (3 pairs) and two antennae (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). This class includes many species mainly because they have adapted to many different environments (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).
Order Hymenoptera:
The organisms in the order hymenoptera are divided into many different suborders due to their diversity (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). All of the organisms in this order possess two pairs of wings (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Some well known insects that are in the order hymenoptera are bees, ants, and wasps, and these insects are very important to the ecosystem(Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).
Family Formicidae:
This family contains all ants (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Ants are unique in the way that they live in colonies and how they classify the members of the colonies (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Each type of ant has a different job or "class" within the colony (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Ants have many ecological functions (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). 
Genus Solenopsis: The ants within the genus Solenopsis are commonly called fire ants (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Some species within the genus Solenopsis are known for stinging (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013). Fire ants are commonly very small (Encyclopedia of Life, 2013).
Species Solenopsis molesta: The species Solenopsis molesta are comprised of the thief ants. These ants get their name because of the way that they acquire their food from stealing it (Texas A&M University, 2010). Find more about this interesting way of feeding in our nutrition and interaction sections!






