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This software allows you to compare data for phylogenetic analysis. This software is free and downloadable.

Comments:  It only has a PC version; the Mac version is not yet available. I have not evaluated the software yet.

Parsimony Analysis Software
This site (maintained by the Hennig Society) lists and describes several phylogenetic analysis software.

Comments:  It contains a listing of software that is free and that is for a nominal fee. Examples are on the next page.

This program does parsimony, distance matrix and maximum likelihood. It is free software obtained by an anonymous ftp.

Comments:  It is a good program to use in the classroom.  Some use it in research, although PAUP and MacClade are better.

PAUP 4.0
Phylogentic Analysis Using Parsimony: is an upgraded program which is state-of-the-art for research.  The directions in how to use the earlier version is in a separate document.  The 4.0 version should be similar in useage.  The program will be available sometime this fall (‘97).  Check the web site for information on when and how  you can purchase it.

Comments:  It costs $100 for the software and manual.  The earlier version is menu driven and good to use in the classroom, although the earlier version is nolonger available.

This site describes in detail about the program and how to purchase it. 

Comments:  MacClade is a very good program to use and is user-friendly for students.   It costs $100 for the software and User's book. 

Free Software Information

Clustal w (also free software)

Phylogenetic Tree/ Background: an introduction to the study of phylogeny and classification, and includes biographies of many naturalists and evolutionists from about 400 BC to the present.
This site was designed by the Museum of Paleontology of the University of California at Berkeley.  Phylogenetic Systematics:  a journey into the methodology, implications and the need for cladistics.


Phylogenetic Tree/Tree of Life:  contains information about the phylogenetic relationships and characteristics of organisms, to illustrate the diversity and unity of living things and to link biological information available on the Internet.



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