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Assignment #1, v. 1.1C



Please paste this assignment into a word processor program and place your answers below each of the questions.


Using the GenBank accession number NM_007294 as a starting point, answer the following questions:


    1.What GenBank sequence does the accession number specify?  What does this sequence encode?


    2.How many bases of sequence are in the file?  How many total in GenBank (as of this date)?


    3.Use Medline to answer the following questions:

    a. What are the names of the authors that published the complete genomic sequence of the


    b. How many exons in this gene?

    c. What pseudogene is imbedded in intron 13?


    4.How many bases are in the primary transcript?


    5.How many "g" residues appear in the reported sequence?  Calculate the G+C ratio of this sequence.


    6.At what specific bases does the start codon appear?  At what specific base does the stop codon appear?  Which of the three stop codons is used? 


    7.What is the accession number for the protein sequence corresponding to the nucleic acid sequence specified above?  Retrieve this file to answer the next series of questions.


    8.How many amino acids are there in this protein?  What are the first five amino acids beginning at position 141 (Please use the entire names of these amino acids - no abbreviations)?


    9.Which amino acids encode the zinc finger domain?


    10.In a study done in Iceland, males who carry the BRCA1 allele may be at incresed risk of what disease?. (HINT: Search OMIM through Entrez with 'BRCA1' as a query).


    11.Where does this gene map in the human genome? What two markers is this gene between?  What is encoded by these flanking markers?



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