
Domain Eukarya:This domain is characterized by the possession of a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

Kingdom Animalia:All animals are multicellular organisms made up of eukaryotic cells. They are heterotrophic and acquire their nutrients via ingestion.

Phylum Arthropoda: Arthropods are the largest and most diverse animal phylum. They are distinguished by their segmented bodies and their complex jointed exoskeletons. Most members of this phylum also have distinct body regions.

Subphylum Crustacea: Crustaceans are primarily aquatic and have two distinct regions, a cephalothorax and an abdomen. Most species also have two pairs of antennae and compound eyes.

Class Branchiopoda: This class is characterized by the presence of a carapace, swimming appendages, and a large compound eye. They also all have mouthparts that are either lacking or reduced in size.

Order Cladocera: Cladocera are the commonly known group known as the water fleas which inhibit mostly fresh waters. They are defined by their unique brood chamber, called the ephippium as well as their means of reproduction called parthenogenesis.

Family Daphniidae: All Daphniidae have a carapace which ends in an obtuse angle or in a spine and is only open at the head region. They also have 5 legs, and again an ephippium.

Genus Daphnia: The Genus Daphnia is characterized by its transparent carapace. Other prominent features are its compound eye, second pair of antennae, and a pair of abdominal setae.

Species, Daphnia pulex: Although D. pulex is hard to distinguish from a number of closely related forms, it is characterized by its small size, and the fact that one of the appendages near the postabdomen is full of setae. Also, the ephippium is more triangluar than most species, and the embryos are not parallel. In addition, there is only one extension from the top edge of the ephippium, and the body segmention is nearly invisible.

This tree shows where classification of D.pulex within its family, Daphniidae. Branching off of the Daphniidae family are the seven genus'. From the Daphnia genus, the 20 species are shown.

This demonstrates the classification of D. pulex according to genome.


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