
Domain: Eukarya        
The Barred Owl is classified as a Eukarya because it has a true nucleus and possesses membrane-bound organelles.

Kingdom: Animalia

The kingdom Animalia consists of organisms that are multicellular as well as heterotrophic. Multicellularity allows for the development of organs and tissues while being heterotrophic makes animals seek out food because they cannot make it on their own.

Phylum: Chordata

Barred Owls belong to the phylum chordata because it possesses the five unique traits of the phylum. Chordates have a notochord and a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal pouches, an endostyle, and a postanal tail. Along with these characteristics, chordates are triploblastic with bilateral symmetry which allows for extreme cephalization. They have segmented bodies with a true coelom, and a complete digestive tract.

Subphylum Craniata:

This subphylum represents true vertebrates. True vertebrates have backbones.

Class: Aves

The class of aves are the birds. Birds have wings and feathers, which are modified epidermal scales and are endothermic organisms. Their bones are light with many air cavities, which allows flight. Aves have beaks that do no have teeth. Reproduction is internal, amniotic eggs are laid, and offspring is watched over by parents.

Order: Strigiforms

Strigiforms encompass all owls. The key characteristics of it is nocturnal hunting which includes silent flight, eyes and ears are towards the anterior portion of the body. Their bodies are compact. “Strig” is plural for the latin word strix, which means “owl.”

Family: Strigidae

The family strigidae are known as the typical owls. Owls in this family have a round skull and facial disk, and large eye sockets that are surrounded by feathers.  The beak of strigids is shorter and less elongated. The feet in this family consist of smooth edges on claws and a longer third toe. The sternum of strigids have four notches. Strig is plural for the latin word strix, which means “owl.” To learn some interesting facts about owls, click here.


In Latin strix means owl. The Barred Owl is classified under this genus because it is an earless owl. Owls of this genus are classified for being large forest dwellers.

Species: Strix varia

In Latin varia means “various.” The Barred Owl’s scientific name translates into a single diverse owl. The Barred Owl’s main characteristic is represented in the name, it has brown bars running vertically down its chest.

Phylogenetic Trees:



 This phylogenetic tree allows one to see exactly where Strix varia is located in the three domains of life. This tree is based off of morphologies between the different groups of organisms. In this tree it separates off into the different general groups of organisms. 



 This phylogenetic tree shows the owls related to the Barred Owl. It is based on morphological data, and goes from Family, to Sub-family, to genus. This allows you to observe which genius of owl are closely related to the barred owl.