Interesting Facts:
The Good "Stuff"

     Muskrats received their name from how they smell. They have special glands that secrete a musky smelling liquid to mark their territory. This smell can last up to several days depending on the weather and conditions of the area in which was marked.

      Muskrats are very important in the fur harvesting industry. They have accounted for millions of dollars of profit and their abundance makes this very possible. Their fur is then used in manufacturing clothing all over the country. To learn more about the fur and trapping industry click here.

     Despite the fact that muskrats are very territorial, they don't seem bothered if a flock of geese or ducks decides to make their habitat a new nesting site. The muskrats that I have observed in Myrick Marsh are very lackadaisical. They swim where they please and enjoy resting on the submerged logs in the marsh. Click here to see video of muskrats that I took this spring in Myrick Marsh.

      From my experience with observing the muskrats in the marsh, they aren't terrible afraid of humans. One day I was even lucky enough to see one that had ventured out of the water onto the grass by the path that I was walking on. They love coming out to swim and eat as the sun starts to set. Muskrats are also very hard to find unless you are looking for them. Their small size and brown fur allows them to blend in with their habitat and live their lives in peace.

     I chose this organism because I had seen a muskrat once the semester before I took this class and I loved going to the marsh for walks. I saw this website as an opportunity to go to the marsh and look for, in my opinion, cute furry muskrats to observe and take pictures of! One of the common muskrat's relatives, the beaver, also lives in the marsh. There are many trees that have been chewed in half near the base and I  was lucky enough to encounter one once.

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