Photo Gallery:
A picture is worth 1000 words

Here are some photos and videos that I took this spring in Myrick Marsh:

A muskrat swimming through the marsh as the sun was starting to set.

A muskrat swimming through the marsh during the afternoon near the edge of the water.

A muskrat submerging out of the water with a mouthful of food to eat during the afternoon.

A muskrat feeding on aquatic vegetation that it gathered underwater.

A muskrat swimming through the marsh near the edge of the water.

A muskrat resting on a submerged tree branch.

A stand of emergent vegetation used by many organisms in the marsh as a food source and a place to live and reproduce.

A muskrat coming out of the water. This is exciting because muskrats usually prefer to stay in the water.

A muskrat swimming through the marsh enjoying the warm  weather.

Two muskrats playing with each other in the shallow water.

A muskrat swimming near the edge of the water near one of the paths in the marsh.

A muskrat sitting on a log drying off and cleaning itself during the early evening.

Another muskrat swimming near the edge of the marsh by a path.

A resting muskrat sitting on a partially submerged branch of a downed tree.

Several muskrat lodges in the marsh on the ice during late February.

Muskrat lodges in the marsh with a view of the the Bluffs in the background during late February.

A muskrat lodge surrounded by ice in the marsh during late February. 

Muskrat lodges in the marsh being utilized as homes for the muskrats and also as resting and gathering places for other wildlife such as geese.