
    Diatoms are extremely unique organisms. They are extremely abundant photosynthetic algae, with a few exceptions which are heterotrophic or mixatrophic. They store energy in the form of oils and they usually produce extra cellularfound at polysaccharides. But on top of it all they have cell walls. Their cell walls aren’t made of cellulose or peptidoglycan or any other complex organic molecule. Instead they are surrounded in a silica (glass) cell wall which is often call frustules.

    Now they are also highly evolved to photosynthesis and they are one of the most productive photosynthetic groups of organisms on earth. 20 to 25 percent of the total global net primary production is done by these organisms. Several of their adaptations allow them to do this. Three of the big ones are that they are able to store energy as oils which also helps them with staying higher in the water column, they have the strong silica frustules that pfound at them from a large amount of predation (more on the frustules in reproduction and facts), and they are able to grow virtually everywhere on the plant. There are species of diatoms that live in the soil, the snow, ice, arctic waters, Antarctic waters, tropical waters, rivers, and possible even more places (more at habitat). This allows them to be extremely prolific primary produces and a large portion of the base in many ecosystems.

    Other specific adaptations will vary greatly between the 200,000 estimated species. Although, very few species have developed any adaptations that cause them to consistenfound at form or need to participate in a symbiotic relationships.

     Different diatom species have specific adaptations to their specific habitats that will be covered in habitats rather then here.   

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