About Me  

"Who made this website?"

       My name is Lynnae Roth and I am currently a student at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. I am a Biology major with a concentration in Biomedical Sciences and a minor in Chemistry. I plan to attend a graduate school for the Physician Assistants program.

"Are you curious as to why I made this website on the zebra spider?"

        I made this website for my Organismal Biology class. I chose the zebra spider for my website because I thought it would maybe decrease my fear of them. Turns out, that I still do not like spiders, or at least would not one in my house. I did however, develop a huge appreciate to the diversity of the spider world. The zebra spider, being a common household spider, was a great way to introduce the amazing diversity in spiders. I hope you learned as much from my website as I did building it! If you have any questions feel free to contact me at roth.lynn@students.uwlax.edu. Thank you for stopping by!



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