
Domain - Eukarya
Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum - Verebrata
Class - Amphibia
Order - Anura
Suborder - Neobatrachia
Family - Ranidae
 Genus - Rana
Species - Rana pipiens

Eukarya - The eukaryotes are that have a true nucleolus and membrane-bound organelles
Animalia - These organisms are multicellular and are heterotrophic.  Most organisms in the Animalia kingdom are motile and lack cell walls. 
Chordata - The chordates all have vertebrates.  They all share these common features in at least one of their life cycles: a hollow dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, a post-anal tail, and pharyngeal slits.
Verebrata - These are organisms with backbones or spinal columns.
Amphibia - (Amphi- means “on both sides and bios- means “life)  The amphibians are cold-blooded organisms that go through some metamorphosis.  Most amphibians lay their eggs in water.

Anura - (An- means “without” and oura means “tail”) The order Anura consists of the frog and toad population, which can be identified by their webbed fingers and toes, absence of tails, long hind legs, protruding eyes, and short bodies. 
Neobatrachia - (literally means “new frogs”)  These organisms are considered to be the most advanced suborder and the most apomorphic.
Ranidae - This family is also referred to as the true frogs.  The true frogs generally have smooth moist skin, extensively webbed feet, and large powerful hind legs. 
Rana - These true frogs are characterized by their wrinkled skin and slim waists.  They mostly live in North America, Central America, northern half of South America, and Eurasia.
                                                                                                                                                                            Rana pipiens - (Rana means “frog” and pipiens means peeping, this comes from the whistling sound that the frog makes similar to the Spring Peepers) The Northern Leopard frog can also be referred as Lithobates pipiens.  This frog habitat consists of parts of Canada and the United Stated.    


This phylogenetic tree shows the taxonomic classification of a frog going from the class Amphibia to the order Anura.               


This phylogenetic tree shows the taxonomic classification of a frog going from the order Anura to the suborder Neobatrachia to the family Ranidea.

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