
Domain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Anthophyta (Magnoliophyta)

Class: Eudicodyledones (Magnoliopsida)

Order: Theales

Family: Hypericaceae

Genus: Hypericum

Species: Hypericum perforatum

Domain Eukarya: All members of Eukarya have a true nucleus that contains DNA. They also have membrane bound organelles.

Kingdom Plantae: Members of Plantae are multicellular organisms with cell walls made out of cellulose. They are autotrophic, which means they produce their own food. They do this through photosynthesis. Members of this kingdom also have organs and organ systems.

Phylum Anthophyta: St. John's wort belongs to this phylum because it is an angiosperm or a flowering plant. This means that it produces seeds that are enclosed in an ovary. Other members of Anthophyta include Flat-Leafed Vanilla and Sugar Cane.

Class Eudicodyledones: Dicots have two seed leaves and produce an embryo with paired cotyledons. Flower petals appear in multiples of four or five. Vascular tissue is usually arranged in a ring. Other dicots include Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus and the Common Blue Violet.

Order Theales: Members of this order have simple leaves and petals. They have numerous stamens and a calyx in a tight spiral.

Family Hypericaceae: Plants belonging in this family can be found in temperate or warm regions. They have toothless leaves with clear or black dots. They are usually grouped into three to five clusters.

Genus Hypericum: Members of this genus are shrubs and herbs with yellow flowers.

Species: Hypericum perforatum combines the genus name with the specific name for St. John's wort.


Phylogenetic Tree St. John's Wort <--- Follow this link to view another phylogenetic tree!!


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