

One of the most important aspects in biology are the interactions among species. These interactions include relationships between organisms such as commensalism, predation, parasitism, and mutualism. By studying these interactions we are better equipped to cure and prevent diseases, save wildlife, and make new discoveries in the realms of nature that are applicable to every day life.

Within most terrestrial habitats, basidiomycota (which includes P. cubensis) are responsible for decomposing organic material into various forms that can be consumed by other organisms (Boddy et al.). Plants and animals depend on P. cubensis for this reason. Likewise, P. cubensis depends on plants an animals as the suppliers of these organic materials that they will decompose. This relationship, where both organisms benefit from and depend on, is known as commensalism.

Perhaps the most obvious interaction P. cubensis has with other species is with humans. The psychedelic effects it delivers to humans, and other animals, when consumed is largely what P. cubensis is known for. Although it's currently illegal in many modern day countries including the U.S., it has influenced human thought for millennia.

As stated earlier, P. cubensis thrives in close connecting with grazing cattle. This relationship is known as commensalism. commensalism is defined as a symbiotic relationship between two organisms of different species in which one derives some benefit while the other is unaffected. In this case, the cattle are unaffected by the presence of the fungal body while it thrives in the nutrient rich feces.

Now that we've covered these various topics regarding P. cubensis, it's time to learn a few fun facts!

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