BIO 203


The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is an autotroph, meaning it produces its own food. The plant receives its food through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is where the plant uptakes carbon dioxide and water and changes it into glucose and oxygen. The plant uses carbon dioxide and water as fuel to help maintain cellular processes within the plant. Humans benefit from the byproducts of photosynthesis. Humans use the byproducts of photosynthesis to fuel our own energy needs.

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis can live in a variety of different soil types. The plant can tolerate soils that are highly acidic, semi-alkaline, clay, sand, and loam. The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis prefers temperatures that are above 56 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis serves as a host to the fungus Canker. If there are fruiting bodies on the stems of the plant, it can kill just those stems of the plant or it can kill the entire plant. The plant can also be infected by blight which kills off the flowers.  The plant uses nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to grow. The nutrients of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are distributed by the xylem and phloem vascular tissues in the plant. Food in the plant is stored as starch in the plant.


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