
Passiflora incarnata produces flowers during the summer months: usually June to September.  After the flowers are pollinated, fruit begins to form.  The fruit provides protection for the developing seed. 

this picture was used with the permission of John at

The flower has a total of five anthers and three stigmata.

According to Stephanie A. Foré and Timothy P. Spira, the Passiflora incarnata flowers are hermaphrodites, but are unable to reproduce with the self.  Instead, large bees and other insects interact with one flower and pollinate another.  They conducted a study to learn the ways that the purple passion flower reproduce.   It was found that gene flow within

The dominate phase of the Passiflora incarnata life cycle is a diploid sporophyte phase. 

Creating offspring take energy. Click here to find out more about the nutrition required to grow and reproduce.