Contact Me

This section is devoted entirely to me!  My name is Zac Mestelle and I’m currently a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.  My major here is Biology with an emphasis in Biomedical Sciences.  With this degree I hope to get admitted into Physical Therapy school somewhere.  This website is a project assigned as a part of my Organismal Biology class. 

Being active is a big part of my life and I enjoy playing a variety of sports here in college.  I’ve been fortunate enough to continue my football career for the Eagles, but I also participate in numerous intramurals in the offseason. 

Although I’ve spent more hours on this website than I’ve cared to count, I felt it has been beneficial to learn how to research, synthesize information, and create a functional website.  Throughout the this process I’ve learned a ton about Ganoderma lucidum but I would definitely not consider myself an expert on this mushroom.  However, I would be more than happy to try and help with any questions or concerns regarding my website or G. lucidum in general.  My email is listed below as well as a link to to view other website produced by my peers.

Today's date: April 16, 2011

This website was last updated on April 16, 2011