


 Brunfelsia  grandiflora is a photosynthetic plant. This means that it is autotrophic (self feeding) and uses the process of photosynthesis. It takes in sunlight via chloroplasts and carbon dioxide and produces glucose, its food. Any excess food is stored in the roots as starch. The food produced and water absorbed via the roots is transported throughout the plant via the xylem and wastes are transported via the phloem.  

File:Simple photosynthesis overview.svg

In addition to photosynthesis, B. grandiflora has a mutualistic relationship with arbuscular endomycorrhizae of the glomeromycota. The fungus grows in association with the plant's roots. It actually penetrates the roots and grows within. The hyphae form arbuscules that look like tiny trees, which is what arbuscule means. The fungus can't photosynthesize, but B. grandiflora can and likewise, B. grandiflora can't break nitrogen down into a usable form, but the fungus can. So, out of this relationship, the

fungus benefits from the food produced by the plant and the plant benefits from the fungus's ability to fix nitrogen.   

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