



Brunfelsia grandiflora is a member of this domain because it is made up of eukaryotic cells. This means that the cells contain membrane bound organelles. Other characteristics of Eukarya are that the DNA of the cells are wrapped in a nuclear envelope, the organisms are multicellular (though, there are unicellular eukaryotes as well), and members of this domain are larger than those in the domains of Bacteria and Archaea.


Below is a morphological phylogenetic tree I created via paint and PowerPoint of the three domains and families of Eukarya.


Members of this kingdom are multicellular and their cells have walls made of cellulose. Members of this kingdom also have cells called chloroplasts. These are green in color and enable the plant to photosynthesis, which is how they produce their food, i.e. glucose. Any excess food is stored as starch. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil via roots. The leaves have a waxy covering, called a cuticle, which is used to prevent water loss. They respire via openings in the leaves called stomata.


Phylum- Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms)


Members of this phylum are the flowering plants, which are the dominant form of plants, and have the most diversity out of the rest of the phyla. They produce fruits and flowers to attract animals and insects for pollination and seed dispersal. For example, let’s say an animal comes and eats a berry. Because it cannot digest the seed, the animal will deposit it when it defecates in a different location. Other members of the Magnoliophyta are Ginger and the Cranberry.

 Angiosperms have alternation of generations, gametophyte and sporophyte. The sporophyte generation, which is diploid, is dominant. This means that the organisms spend most of their lives in this form. Pollination of angiosperms is indirect and the plants go through double fertilization, but this will be discussed further in the reproduction section. To view other angiosperms, visit the Sweet Orange and the Sweet Potato.


Class-Magnoliopsida (Dicots)

The plants that belong in this category usually produce flowering parts in multiples of four or five.  Their veins in the leaves appear netlike and the vascular tissue forms in a ring. The plants’ embryos have two cotyledons, which develop into the first leaves of the seed as it grows. Dicots usually have a main root, called a taproot, with smaller roots branching off of it. The pollen from these plants typically have three pores, or openings. To view another dicot, go to White Willow.


Order- Solanales  

Solaneles is an order under the flowering plants. It is under the Asterid group of dicotyledons. Some characteristics of the Asterids are that the petals are fused together and that there are less stamens than petals. The order Solanales contains the families Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, Montiniaceae, Sphenocleaceae, Hydroleaceae.

Family- Solanaceae

Brunfalsea grandiflora belongs to the Solanaceae (nightshade) family. These plants are found in tropical areas and a lot come from Australia, Central and South America. This family consists mainly of herbs, but there are still shrubs and trees in this group. Many common foods such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers also belong to this family. The flowers of these plants, and as is the case of B. grandiflora, usually form in groups, though the flowers can also grow alone. Members in this family often have poisonous parts, which holds true for B. grandiflora.

The morphological tree below shows the relation B. grandiflora to the kingdom Plantae. A few of the many genus that fall under the family Solanaceae are shown below.

Genus- Brunfelsia

Brunfelsia is the name given to plants, typically trees or shrubs, that are have white or purple flowers, which are often bell shaped or tubular. They are often grown for their flowers and then the fleshy berry-like fruit that is produced after fertilization.


 Species- Brunfelsia grandiflora

Grandiflora means bearing large flowers. This species typically grows medium to large flowers of white and purple coloration in large clusters. The leaves are darker green and leathery. This shrub is an evergreen. Brunfelsia grandiflora is extremely poisonous and is used as a hallucinogen.


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