Taxus brevifolia- The Pacific Yew


The Pacific Yew grows in a strip from the southern tip of southeast Alaska all the way down into parts of California. In Alaska, the tree is found along the Pacific Coast including places such as Annette and Prince of Whales Island. From there, the tree moves into the Rocky Mountain regions of British Columbia in the southeast to the northwestern parts of Montana and northern parts of Idaho. Next, it migrates down into eastern Washington and Oregon. Finally, it moves down the Pacific Coast of northern California. Range
Taxus brevifolia is found in a wide range of moisture and temperature conditions. In areas where it’s very dry or subhumid, the tree is limited to places near streams, places with shade and the lower third of north-facing slopes. In areas of the tree’s range that are within humid and superhumid forests, this tree is typically found on all slopes, benches and ridgetops.
Soil and Topography:
Soil that is best for Taxus brevifolia is deep, moist or rich, rocky or gravelly. Some soils that the Pacific Yew grows well in include those in the order Ultisols, Alfisols and Inceptisols.

Associated Forest Cover:
The majority of the time, the Pacific Yew is found in dense old-growth conifer forests where they are able to inhabit the understory. In these areas, trees such as
Douglas fir, ponderosa pine, giant redwood and hemlock are also found. In areas where the trees in the canopy have been removed, the Pacific Yew is able to flourish. 

Take a look at the Adaptations page to see how the Pacific Yew has adapted to its environment!