
 Salmonberries have the ability to spread rapidly in large openings. The larger the opening, the more vigorous they become. This organism has the ability to take over large areas and leave little growing space for other organisms.

Fire tolerance: Low-intensity fires only consumer fine material on the forest floor. Usually low-intensity fires stimulate Salmonberries to sprout vigorously. High-intensity fires inhibit the growth of Salmonberries. These fires kill shallow rhizomes and destroy seeds stored in the soil.

                                                                                         Rubus spectabilis beginning to fruit 

 Shade: Salmonberries have adapted to shade due to the closing of the forest canopy. They can only tolerate a small amount of shade for a period of time though. They need sun for the majority of their life. If the canopy closes completely and they aren't able to reach any sunlight, Salmonberries begin to wilt and eventually it won't survive.

                                                                              Photo courtesy of: Pat Breen, Oregon State Univ.

Water: This organism requires a good amount of water like most plants. However, this organism is able to survive in droughts and has a high tolerance for droughts.

 Roots: Since Salmonberries grow in forests, its roots must be a minimum of ten inches deep. This is to insure stability to not be taken over by the Red Alder trees.

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