BIO 203

Who Am I?

Hi, my name is John Spohnholtz and I am a student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse studying Biomedical Science and Chemistry in order to prepare for a career in the Pre-medical field.  I hope to graduate in the year 2014 with my BS  in Biomedical Sciences and a Chemistry minor and then continue on to medical school to study to become a surgeon.  I am currently also employed. If I’m not working, I can usually be found hanging out with my friends or playing softball during the summer and skiing in the winter. Either way, I’ll be out doing something.

Now to an important question that I know should be addressed…”Tell us John, why did you pick the Western Cottonmouth as your organism?”  This is simple; I chose to use the Western Cottonmouth because ever since I was a kid I always wanted a snake as a pet and I was fascinated with a wide assortment of animals, of such were venomous snakes.  I tried to convince my parents to let me get one (of course with the venom glands removed) but my parents decided that an answer of no was the best idea.  Now I know that this may seem trivial but it still helped in making my decision, but it helped because this is an organism that is quite prevalent in where I want to live and practice medicine (the southern United States).  Also this organism is prevalent in my birth place (Texas), so it was interesting to find that this was an organism that I could have come in to contact with as an infant.  All of these factors took a part in my decision but my choice of career combined with the prevalence of the snake makes it ideal to study considering that I may one day come into contact with or have to treat such a bite.

Now I hope you enjoy looking at what an amazing organism the Western Cottonmouth is, enjoy!

Also be sure to check out what other wonderful organisms there are in this world even though it’s a portion, it will grow so there are multiples upon multiples of organisms!


Time to go back to learning about the Western Cottonmouth wouldn't you say...just a click away!