Natural Habitat

Native to central and southern Asia, Cannabis prefers a warm and humid climate, but are very resilient and can live in many habitats, so long as the soil pH is between 5 and 7.

They require an abundance of light to grow. The plants wait for days with at least 12 hours of light to start flowering. While flowering, Cannabis sativa X indica plants thrive in 18 hour daylight periods. While the plant experiences 18 hour light periods each day, it produces the largest and most THC rich buds.

Marijuana, used for its psychoactive properties, is a hybrid species of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. Cannabis sativa is found in tropic environments while Cannabis indica can be found in more mountainous areas such as the highlands in India.

Due to the adaptations of Cannabis, it can live in a diverse set of climates. Cannabis has become so good at thriving in many climates that it is considered  a weed by some. For example, during World War II Cannabis was planted extensively in Iowa for hemp rope production. These fields have now been converted to grow corn but Cannabis plants remain a constant pest. Among the cornstalks, Cannabis plants can be found growing  and competing for soil nutrients. Try as they might, farmers still cannot eradicate them.

Although Cannabis originated in south central Asia, it has been spread all around the world. Flourishing marijuana plants have been found in our national parks, sometimes growing over eight feet tall! Wisconsin’s cold harsh winters make it hard for marijuana plants to reach such great heights, but don’t be surprised if you come across a small marijuana plant growing in the woods.


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