About Me
Hey there,
My name is Ryan Woller and I'm currently attending the University
of Wisconsin - La Crosse for my undergradute in Cellular and
Molecular Biology. I love reading, television, and watching sports.
I hope you learned as much from reading this website as I did while
making it. I originally selected Pleurotus ostreatus
because of its potential as a cholesterol reducing treatment, I have
a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol so that issue
hit particularly close to home for me. I fell in love with it when I
learned about how it preys on nematodes. I've always had an interest
in parasitology and the unique way that Pleurotus devours
it's prey stuck with me.
If you have any questions or comments about my site, please contact
me at woller.ryan@uwlax.edu.
You can reach my instructors, Dr. Tom Volk and Dr. Greg Sandland at
thom.volk@uwlax.edu and
I encourage you to hop on over to
multipleorganisms.net to
see the other submissions to this project. I appreciate your
readership and I hope you enjoyed it.