Primary Resources
1.Feechan, A., S.A. Kabbara, and I.B. Dry. 2010. Mechanisms of
powdery mildew resistance in the Vitaceae family. Molecular
plant pathology. 12: 263-274.
2.Gabler, F. M., J.L. Smilanick, M. Mansour, D.W. Ramming, B.E.
Mackey. 2003. Correlations of morphological anatomical, and
chemical features of grape berries with resistance to Botrytis
cinerea. Phytopathology. 93: 1263-1273.
3.Loeb, G., A.P. Norton, D. Gadoury, R. Seem, and Wilcox, W.
2005. Tri-trophic interactions among grapevines, a fungal
pathogen, and a mycophagous mite. Ecological Soc Amer,
Washington, DC.
4.Sanjun, G. & Pomper, K.W. 2008. Grape cultivar feeding
preference of adult Japanese beetles. HortScience. 43: 196 -199.
5.Son, HS., G.S. Hwang, H.J. Ahn, W.M. Park, C.H. Lee, Y. S.
Hong. 2009. Characterization of wines from grape varieties
through multivariate statistical analysis of 1H NMR
spectroscopic data. Food Research International 42: 1483-1491.
Secondary Resources
Concord grape association 2010.
Encyclopedia of life: Vitis labrusca.
Photosynthesis 1996.
Phylloxera 2011.
Nov 2011.
Pierce’s disease 2003.
The process of winemaking.
Vitis labrusca: fox grape.
Vitis labrusca – L 1996.
USDA: Classification.
Wine yeast 2007.