
  Choanoflagellates are free-living unicellular organisms that are currently known as the ancestor of all animals. They are said to give rise to all of the different varieties of animals whether it be Porifera (sponges) who have no true tissue, diploblastic like the Ctenophores (Comb Jellies), and Cnidarians with 2 layers of true tissue, or triploblastic like the Platyhelminthes, Annelids, and more. 

(above picture is property of sunmarinelab)

Domain: Eukarya
The domain of Eukarya consists of organisms with cells that have membrane bound organelles such as a nucleus, mitochondria, and etc.

Kingdom: Animalia
Animals are heterotrophs, meaning they don’t produce their own food like plants, therefore, they have to find their own food. Usually this kingdom can be separated into vertebrates or invertebrates and the jellyfish is considered to have no backbone, but the defining characteristics of animals are they lack a cell wall, which plants have, and are multicellular. There are over a million species of animals that have been discovered and many more that are still not found.

Phylum: Cnidaria 
The phylum Cnidaria consists of Hydras, Jellyfish, and corals. Characteristics of Cnidaria are radial symmetry, aquatic environment, consists of a polyp and medusa stage, internal cavity, and a mouth. The phylum consists of 3 classes: Hyrodzoa, Scyphozoa, and Anthozoa.

Class: Scyphozoa
The class Scyphozoa is usually free swimming and has a medusa-dominant form. Well-known characteristics for this class are nematocysts or “stinging cells”, gastrovascular cavity, and an alternation of generation life cycle. Reproduction can be sexual or asexual. Scyphozoa are diploplastic and have radial symmetry.  

Order: Semaeostomeae 
The order of Semaeostomeae is one of the most common for large jellyfish and is known for its oral arms and quadrate mouths. 

Family: Ulmaridae
The family of Ulmaridae is known for its ring canals and radial canals.
(photo to the right is copyrighted by Lance Rogers)

Genus: Aurelia
Aurelia is one of the studied geneses of jellyfish, in which all jellyfish are gelatinous zooplankton.

Species: Aurelia aurita (which translates out to "golden ear" )
The species name is a specific name for each animal or the scientific name that the animal can be found in any universal documents. The species name consists of the genus first and is usually italicized.