
The deep sea anglerfish is one of the most interesting sea creatures in the ocean. Because of the harshness of the environment within which the angler fish lives it has some pretty unique adaptations to aide in its survival. Some examples of angler fish adaptations would be its color, its ability to release mate attracting pheromones, and its glowing bulb used for catching food.

 The deep sea anglerfish has adapted in the way of skin color to protect itself from predators as well as to disguise itself while trying to catch prey. Anglerfishes are usually a grey or dark brown color which helps them to blend in with the ocean depths and to hide in dark places along the ocean floor. Their globular bodies are not meant for sustained swimming but rather for floating and waiting for prey to come to them.

Female humpback anglerfish known as the Blackdevil

  Due to the vastness of the ocean and the low visibility at which the anglerfish lives, females have the ability to release powerful mate attracting pheromones into the water which males are able to pick up on due to very strong olfactory sensors. Without this powerful tool finding a mate would be extremely difficult for both males and females.(Miya et al., 2010)

 The most obvious and probably the most unique adaptation that the anglerfish has, is the glowing bulb that hangs from the top of its head. Due to the lack of food that is readily available in the dark depths of the ocean the anglerfish has adapted to lure food in rather than seek it out. The anglerfish also has the ability to eat a wide variety of prey species. They have a long tube with a bulb like light organ containing luminous bacteria at the tip. Female anglerfishes are the only ones who have this and they use it as a way to lure in prey. The female can move this bulb around as well as closer to its mouth so they can attack prey with an expandable jaw. Due to this expandable jaw, huge teeth, and elastic stomach, the anglerfish is able to consume prey at a variety of sizes. This is the greatest adaptation that the anglerfish has and arguably the most useful when it comes to surviving in such a harsh environment. If you would like to check out another good website about the deep sea angler fish you may by clicking here!

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